Flood Pod


28 pcs

Image of: Flood Pod

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Popcorn got his good treatment in this set.
My ahahahahahah this set. Ahhh
Love this thing. Like all the old pods they were on the more costly side like the original cyclops but they more then made up for it in the figures and details. Love this set for the great looking pod which in itself has some unique pieaces wile at the same time it pulls of that discusting meaty look. This pod, id go as far as to say id expect to see it in dead space. The elite is nice and he can be turned into a regular elite which makes this set 100% bether as you now get to chose who to infect with no downsides or the lose of a fig.
Nice set. Has the typicall Flood elite. the skin color of the elite is bark brown like the infected parts. the infection forms hold together rather well

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